Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I stole this poem...

Hey Karl Marx!

Hey Karl Marx!
Are you listening?
Can you see it?
Your words are
being taught at
elitist universities
to the childrenof rich white republicrats
while laborersbuckle under
the weight of a system that
they can't beat
Obviously, they have missed the point.

© Wayne Mason 2004


Anonymous said...

great, another socialy polarizing poem. Do you think we shouldnt teach Marx in school?

alexis said...

Definitely. as long as marx is relevant and we can learn from him and his writings there is no reason to not teach him. a little bit of irony shouldn't hold back the learning process. more than that, i think this bodes well for the university system. somehow universities (some of them anyways) have managed to stay more open and flexible than many other institutions.

***All poems are incorrectly formatted. Blogger.com does not allow me to format them they way I want to. saaaaaaaad.