Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thursday, March 08, 2012


There are an endless number of stories out there. Just infinite and expanding that notion of infinity every second. We record those stories, hold them up for our universal reflection and thought. Each one of these stories is unique and new. And even in their uniqueness...even in stories that are fictional or about something that has occurred for the very first time, they are all anchored to something shared. No story can escape the bounds of some familiarity. Perhaps it's a shared theme: life, nature, desire, politics, etc. If these familiar themes aren't repeated, then it's the language of sharing. The word. The sound of a voice, the written letter, even if abstractly. And if the language of the story isn't what grounds it to basic universality, then it's our other tools of perception. Like, vision, sound, and touch. There is no escaping the commonality even in the midst of the infinitely unique. From this, all contradictions are born.
***All poems are incorrectly formatted. does not allow me to format them they way I want to. saaaaaaaad.